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It is a known fact that Filmair produces some of the best products in use in the motion picture and television industries.

What is not as well known, is that Filmair has the engineering and manufacturing capabilities to design and build custom rigs that will ensure the success of the shoot.

We have cut vehicles in half, rolled them down mountains, run them on a roller-coaster and even hurled them from aircraft at 20,000 ft.

We have built rigs to fly an actor 6 inches above the road and also rigs to simulate flight by hanging from a crane.

We have put cameras on aircraft wings, helicopter noses and the hull of a catamaran. We have built a dolly to carry a Photo-Sonics camera around a corner at 60 kph.

In short, we are able to put a camera wherever it is needed.

We provide engineering solutions for today's motion picture & television industry professionals.

Pictures from a Master Card Commercial. Filmair designed the harness and rigged it to the Giraffe crane to simulate the actors flitting around a table.

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